Platinum crucible use

Firmetal, 2021-7-8 09:06:00 PM

Platinum crucible is mainly refined from high purity platinum. Now because some factories, pharmaceutical factories, scientific research institutions need related scientific experiments. These experiments may involve highly corrosive chemicals or require forging at high temperatures. The general equipment is difficult to meet the requirements of this aspect. The platinum crucible can ensure the effective completion of the experiment by using the characteristics of platinum's high melting point, high boiling point and corrosion resistance.

In the production and forging of some precision molds, platinum crucible is often needed. Due to the special properties of platinum, the price of platinum is slightly more expensive, but its performance is high and it can be comprehensively utilized. There are specialized manufacturers to recycle it when it is damaged in the process of use. This reduces the risk of our use.

According to the general use, it is about to be used in the following occasions:
1. High temperature material analysis in the laboratory
2. Corrosive material analysis in the laboratory
3. Long crystal for the production of high temperature intraocular lenses
4, molten glass, glass analysis.
Such as...
When we use platinum crucible, we should also pay attention to the relevant matters needing attention. The platinum content of platinum crucible for different purposes is not the same in the manufacturing process. There are platinum crucible, platinum yellow crucible and platinum rhodium crucible. We should buy according to our actual situation. On the other hand, the market price of platinum fluctuates greatly in the market, and the market price of platinum crucible also has certain uncertainty.

Tag: Platinum crucible, platinum

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