These five metals are more expensive than diamonds

Firmetal, 2019-09-27 09:03:00 PM

Metal magnesium, magnesium, known as "defense" of the reputation, magnesium is one of the lightest structural metallic materials, but also has specific strength and specific stiffness, high damping property and the advantages of good machinability, easy recycling, manufacture magnesium alloy, is the production of spacecraft, military aircraft, missiles, high maneuver performance vehicles, ships the essential structure of the material, and with its burning heat light, is widely used in manufacturing flares, Molotov cocktails, etc.

Rhenium is mainly used in the production of aero-engine blades, high-precision equipment similar to gyroscopes, synthesis of high-octane gasoline, etc. About 80% of the world's rhenium is used in the production of aero-engine. The tungsten-rhenium thermocouple does not soften at 3100℃. 25% rhenium in tungsten or molybdenum alloy can increase the ductility. In addition, rhenium is used as high-temperature coating on rockets and missiles, and rhenium is needed in instruments and high-temperature parts of spacecraft such as heat shield, arc discharge and electric contactor.

Titanium, titanium alloy has good heat resistance, low temperature toughness and fracture toughness, so it is mostly used as aircraft engine parts and rocket, missile structural parts. Titanium alloy can also be used as fuel and oxidant storage tanks and high-pressure vessels. And the use in the space industry is great, the United States new aircraft and military vehicle armor has begun to use a large number of titanium products. Molybdenum, a nonferrous alloy composed of molybdenum matrix and other elements, was widely used in the manufacturing of weapons and equipment at the beginning of the 20th century. Modern high precision and sharp equipment have higher material requirements, such as molybdenum, tungsten, chromium and vanadium alloy used in the manufacturing of warships, rockets and satellites alloy components and parts. Tungsten, known as the "industrial tooth", is mainly used in the manufacture of hard alloy, special steel and other products, and is widely used in the national defense industry, aerospace, information industry. Tungsten and other alloys of molten metals (tantalum, niobium, molybdenum, rhenium) are used as thermal strength materials in other sectors of high thermal strength of machine parts, engines and some instruments.

Tag: Rhenium, Titanium, tantalum, niobium

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